DHS Madrigals

The DHS Madrigals are our top choral group here at DHS. We pride ourselves on excellence, and being the best. We hope you find our site enjoyable, so please come back soon when we have more!

First of all we have the rules we all live by... all set down nicely in our Choral Handbook. If you have any questions about the DHS Choral Department, you'll probably find the answer here!

We also have our Schedule of Events. You can find what we'll be doing next, and what's coming up after that!

Well, that's all for now... we'll have more up soon! If you have any questions or comments about DHS Choir, please contact Mr. Z! If you find any problems with the site, or wish to comment on it, please contact the webmaster.

Head on back to the Music Department....

This site was created by Larry "Lars" Rubald a member of "Image" Jazz Choir and the Percussion Section of the band. Neither DHS or Mr. Rubald are responsible for the use of the content found herein. HI Z!!!