"Image" Jazz Choir is our choral group that does the most contemporary songs. Members are selected by audition only, so we are an exclusive group. As our name implies, we do more "jazzy" type songs, and are very popular to listen to. We do several performances throughout the year, and we always appreciate your attendance!!

We have here on our site the DHS Choral Handbook. Anything and everything you ever wanted to know about DHS Choir is probably in here. Most likely even more than that!

Also on our site is the schedule of upcoming events. What's happening next, and what will happen in the future. Make sure you check it out so you can plan your life accordingly! =)

We're soon to have more on the site, so come check us out again soon! Please direct questions and coments about DHS Choir to Mr. Z. Any questions, comments, or bug reports should go to the webmaster.

Back to the Music Department web page.

This site was created by Larry "Lars" Rubald a member of "Image" and the Percussion Section of the band. Neither DHS or Mr. Rubald are responsible for the use of the content found herein. HI Z!!! =)