Marching / Concert Band

The DHS Marching band is the Championship organization that we are best known for. We enjoy doing what we do, and we hope that you'll come see us at one of our many performances!

First off, we have the Band handbook. This is the code that all the members of the band live by, as dictated by our wonderful leader, Mr. Zabelsky! We love you Z.... =)

We also have a schedule of events for the band.

More is soon to come, I'm sure... Including pics of us, and some other cool stuff. So check back soon! If you have any questions or comments about the band, please direct them to Z!

Thanks for checkin' out our page... Head on back to the Music Department Page now....

This site was created by Larry Rubald, a member of Image Jazz Choir, and the Percussion Section of the DHS Band! HI Z!! =)